Creating roles or user groups is a great way to generate reports that only include the people you want. You can create roles and groups for the team you manage directly or for each office in your organization. That way, you can focus closely on a few people without getting distracted by everyone else.
By assigning user groups to certain projects, you can also de-clutter your teammates' projects list. Only the users from the assigned groups will be able to see these projects when logging their time.
User groups work as teams within your team, for example, users that work together on certain projects and initiatives. Users can belong to more than one group, and several groups can be assigned to the same project.
User roles work as unique descriptors of what each user does, for example, Rosa is a full stack developer, and Rahim is an executive recruiter. Users can only be assigned one role at a time.
You can create user roles or groups on the Team Members page when you are an admin, or your team's Permissions settings allow non-admins to do so. To create user roles, click on the User roles button on the top-right corner of the page, write the name of the new role on the greyed-out row, and click Add. To create user groups do the same but clicking the User groups button.
It's possible to add users to the roles or groups either on the Team Members page or on any user page by clicking their name anywhere on the Report Center.
On the Team Members page, tick the boxes on the left column for the users you wish to add to a certain role or group(s), then click the Edit button. In the dialogue box, select the users' Role and/or the users' Groups and click Update.
On the user page, click the Edit button and follow the same process.
You can easily assign projects to groups but you cannot assign projects to roles. Using the same logic, users can belong to multiple groups but can only have one role.
There's no limit to the number of user groups and roles you can create or the number of groups a user can belong to. Report filters are remembered between sessions.
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