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How do I set it up in MS Teams?
How do I set it up in MS Teams?

A step-by-step guide to installing NikaTime in MS Teams and setting it up for your team

Pedro avatar
Written by Pedro
Updated over a week ago

NikaTime can be installed both in Teams and Slack. We will explain the steps for Teams in this article.

Installing on Teams

  1. Go to the Apps tab on the left bar, search for NikaTime, and click on the NikaTime app.

  2. A window will appear for the NikaTime app. Scroll down, click on the arrow after the Add button, and select Add to a Team.

  3. You will then receive a message from NikaTime introducing herself. Click on Let's get started and you're done!

If you're getting the message "to use my powerful skills, you'll have to add me to your team" you probably did not add NikaTime to your team properly.

Please follow the steps below to install it on your team correctly:

  • Go to Manage Your Apps and search for NikaTime

  • Click on the little arrow next to the Add button and select Add to a team, just like we showed above

Here's a GIF with the steps:

If you're having problems setting things up we can always help, just click on the little chat button on the right corner of the screen to talk to our customer support.

Initial setup

Everything is already installed correctly. However, we want to make sure you set things up properly to get the best results. So we'll take you through 3 steps to do the initial settings. You'll be able to change these whenever you want later.

Step 1 of 3 - Select users in your team

First, you need to select which members of your workspace will be active in NikaTime. These are the people that the bot will interact with and collect data from. You can start using NikaTime with a small team of active key people and progressively roll it out to others, or just let NikaTime talk to everyone from the start.

Go to the Team Members page, and use the toggle to activate users:

Step 2 of 3 - Check your team settings

Make sure everything is set up for your team, and that you understand what your options are. A few things you should pay attention to:

  • Team Log Time: You can set a time at which NikaTime will ask your team members what they worked on. But, if you are a Slack user, you can also decide whether NikaTime should message them if they're away on Slack at that time or if she should only message them on days when they are online on Slack. People can later override these settings in their Profile.

  • Roles and Permissions: If you're in a small team, it might be OK to let anyone create and manage projects, but if your team can't fit into a room anymore, limiting this task to admins only will help you keep your data clean and consistent. You should also decide if you want to let non-admin users see data on the rest of the company, otherwise, they'll only see their info.

  • Admins: make sure you grant admin status to all the managers and key people in your organization, especially if you've restricted some permissions to admins only

Go to Team Settings to do this:

Step 3 of 3 - Create some projects

NikaTime will let users pick from a list of projects to enter their work hours. As you can imagine, an empty list to pick from won't cause a great first impression. So why not go ahead and enter a few of the projects you have currently running? You can later create new ones on the fly as well.

Go to Projects Management and create your first project there:

Done, say hi to NikaTime!

NikaTime is now active in your Teams workspace. When it's time for the daily question, she'll introduce herself to your team and start interacting with them.

You can now relax and let NikaTime bring you the data :)

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